

Wondering what is that beautiful eyed squirrel eating? Its paddy! The farmers keep the threshed paddy in the rooftop for a couple of hours to sun-dry. This squirrel just stole a piece. Well, one of the many pieces!

Panchadora squirrels (Bengali: পাঁচডোরা কাঠবিড়ালি) also known as Northern Palm Squirrel or five-striped palm squirrel (Scientific name: Funambulus pennantii) is a mammal of the squirrel family.

The photo was taken at Lakshmipur village in the Kushtia district of beautiful southern Bangladesh.

Panchadora squirrels are seen almost always throughout the year in that area. During the harvest season especially during the paddy season, villagers become almost overwhelmed by the persecution of the squirrels.
